I quit my job in August, thinking I would be out a few months and keeping busy with the job hunt and writing a thousand novels and poems. I don't have that novel written yet, but I can say I started to re-write a story from scratch that I completely lost in the depths of the computer world, and that is better than doing nothing at all. The past four months have turned into an extended summer vacation while everyone else is still in school or at work. A beach-less, sun-tan-less summer at that. Each day without a job I feel like I'm dipping more into retirement. I have been voraciously reading, if that counts as a summer/retiree activity. In fact, my 2018 #goodreads goal of 35 books has reached 41! Among those delectable reads: The Cows by #DawnOPorter, Elevation by #StephenKing, Choke by #ChuckPalahniuk, and Sharp Objects by #GillianFlynn. My eyes are admittedly a little sore from all the binge reading. I haven't read a book in three days now for this reason.
Another activity the Over 62 Club partakes in is eat out more than they did when they had a job. Ever since I began my jobless life, I have had the urge to spend my life-savings (retirement fund) on delicious food. Boredom, anxiety over the career search, and constant reminders of ridiculous food on #Instagram all contribute to this appetite. To tell the truth, I am sitting in a quiet cafe right now, awaiting a falafel wrap. I had to retreat from spitting out my usual request of blueberry pancakes or the banana bread french toast. I am so glad I branched out! But I digest. I mean digress.

I venture to cafes by myself like a retired lady because I need a space to write and people watch. I come to this cafe today for the Beatles music, quiet 2pm atmosphere (I am one of three in the place), and the quality food. The barista must think I have no job! Right she is. And so I handed her my CV.
To my left is a chalkboard with a Cadbury Hot Chocolate special being advertised. Below that, in small chalk handwriting and barely visible to this eye, is a sneaky quote, "Never let the fear of failure keep you from playing the game." I love finding random words of advice. It is like a fortune cookie exploded and decided to play hide and seek! I will not give up on finding the right job. The perfect position just hasn't been created yet.
I know I will be un-retired soon enough - these days are just practice for what is to come in 40 years!