There's a sinking feeling in my chest right now; it is similar to the disappointment you feel when you drop a necklace in the deep end of a pool. I blindly waited 20 minutes for the bus, expecting it to appear at any time. When it appeared half a kilometer down the road, I was relieved and ready; I knew what to do. I have done it before. I stuck my left arm out in advance to summon the driver. It looked like he was pulling over, but he only speeds past the bus stop - even as I jog after the him waving to its passengers. Surely a kind lady on the bus would tell the driver to stop. Everyone was clearly looking at their phones and not out the window. What did I do wrong?
My hopes were set high today because the weather finally turned into Summer and I could shed my heavy socks and jacket. I was prepared for the day and had it planned out exactly to the minute in my head. I wanted to trek to Ticknock Forest, grab a yummy treat and relax in the cabin until I felt ready for the Fairy Castle climb. Unfortunately, I don't think I can trust that bus stop anymore to achieve my goals.

Now, I am sitting in lush, tall grass in Ballawley Park, downloading a taxi app so I can bypass all the evil bus drivers. I do not want to be inside right now, so this park with a dozen tiny cottonball dogs will do the trick. It's quiet here, except for the sounds of trickling rain in the treetops. I think the rain is really a pack of squirrels nibbling on nuts.
Discouraged by the transportation situation, and losing stamina, I opted for shelter in Dundrum. Even though I didn't get a hike in, 5 kilometers of walking is better than nothing. And now I am hungry and questioning my own grammar after reading up on grammar this morning so I can pass the CELTA course in March. And now I am mesmerized by the setting sun piercing a sharp yellow fist through the coffee bean window decal at Costa. The rays tickle ruby red waves onto my teapot after dancing through the glass filled with my berry tea. Life is full of beautiful distractions.

"Sarah" by Thin Lizzy plays from the ceiling and the espresso machine churns out its thousandth foamy cup. The mall is eerily quiet and lacks the buzz from people talking. I should be in the mountains right now. I"ll try again tomorrow. At least today I got to see a new part of this world - a welcoming park devoid of mean bus drivers.