Those three things have consumed my days for the past 365 days. No working, working, working. This is a new era for everyone, no matter what industry. Rather than confine myself to a dark hole, I've taken to the dirt streets and gassed up my walking boots.
If you knew me pre-Ireland, or even pre-pandemic, you'd know I wouldn't go outside for long if it was below 60 degrees or rainy. I was soft. If you saw me now, you'd be surprised to witness me venture out in the wind and rain and cold! What changed? I can't pinpoint a precise day, but I learned that fresh air and movement, no matter what the condition, changed the condition within me. Sometimes I catch up on podcasts and learn about the history of tea; or I might add a pep in my step with some electro-pop or Metallica. But usually, I end up going naked in the ears and listen to the rocks tumble below my boots.
It's become a habit as well to capture at least one photo on walks - even if it's from the same place every day. The lighting, the time of day, my angle - they constantly evolve.