Look up.
It's like living in a pocket of sky and grass.
This sphere is mine
and I can move.
Across the map
I dip into the mossy forest
with a beam of light piercing the green canopy.
A fallen tree, a fairy's throne,
slices the path
and I move on to a new country.
This sphere is mine
and I can move.
Across the map
I zig-zag a loamy dimension
passing ivory deer bones
and limbless trees
and I move on to a new country.
This sphere is mine and I can move.
Across the map
I sink my feet in to a field of gold
brittle hair flattened by gentle nomads.
It's a desert and I move before time becomes
quick sand.
This sphere is mine
and I can move.
Across the map
I kick tiny bones like marbles
broken away from their small mountains
and loosened with drought. It's a thirsty sphere.
Look up.
