The evening sun slants over
fields and city life
some are under a dark shadow
some are basking in the yellow
Neither lasts for long.

A 3 legged man capturing a photo of a hawk, misses. I catch up to the man on my gravelly descent and take out my earbuds to say 'hello.' As Irish men go, you have to stop and have a chat. That's when I learn about the arthritis in his knees and his love for walking to pass the time. He told me his hobby was walking, but the photos are a result of his hobby. Foxes, deer and Kingfisher birds are among his favourite subjects. Luck and patience are key for getting the perfect picture.
Naturally, my accent sparks curiosity, so we delve into that story. As a taxi driver, he's seen an influx of mixed nationalities over the past 30 years. Before that, it was rare to find such a heterogenous city. Much like the emerging foliage, the mixed colors are natural and beautiful. Of course, he had been to the U.S and Canada. He notes the breathtaking foliage he saw in New York and said he'd love to travel by train across the U.S to see it all. Me too, me too.
We arrived to the road and he advised me on the proper direction to walk - by the rules. I said I prefered to walk by safety and visibility. I humoured him and walked by the rules, but as soon as he was out of sight, I changed sides for safety. The people you meet along adjust your lens, change the focus, and snap a memory in time.
Foliage flaunts like a peacock
A traffic of leaves
swoosh from side to side
blue sky, white sky
revealed in pixeled frames
pointilism in creation.