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Positive Panic: If Not Now, When?

Writer: CaitlynSarahDavisCaitlynSarahDavis

"Relax. Don't work so much. Don't work so hard," said Mother Nature. Did anyone listen to her? Of course not. Priorities were in place as permanent as cement. So what did she do? Mother Nature forced the world into lock-down and told us, "Now, you better stay home and take care of yourself or else you won't be allowed to resurface for a long time. Don't worry about work or running your kids from A to B - I'll take care of that."

It's Day 2 of the so called 'Quarantine' where Ireland has officially suspended all large public gatherings and schools until at least March 29th. Everyone is well equipped with toilet paper because what else would you need? I'm well-stocked on books, games, and a list of projects to accomplish because, in the long run, that will keep my sanity, not toilet paper.

Day 2 and I've already written a New York Times Bestseller, cleaned the house ten times, and developed 8 pack abs (because I already had 6). Which is the lie? Well, maybe they're not all quite the truth. But by 2 weeks, I promise I will have part of a New York Times Bestseller written in my notebook and I'll have gained extra muscle mass in the writing process.

Productivity will pay off I promise you that. Now that we all have the time, whip out those postponed self-projects and check them off the list. What excuse do we have now for "not having time?" You can't go to work, you can't go to school and you can't socialise like you used to. Unless you've contracted the virus and can't breathe, here's your chance to make changes in your life and assess what you really want. As a society, we had to be forced into taking a break from the stressful routine of work, extracurricular obligations, etc. We complain about being tired and needing a break, but when it's given to us in an extreme form, we immediately reject it. I had to take a moment to wrap my head around all the disappointment this human shut-down has stirred up. It's like someone pulled the emergency breaks on the train and everyone jerked forward.

Turn panic into positive ideas. Learn to bake and cook. Learn how to use toilet paper in 100 different ways. Whatever it is - stay occupied and make the most of this extra time. What will you do in the weeks before the world churns its gears again? Before we lose our minds?

*Make a list of 5 things you want to get done and tell me below*



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Dublin, Ireland

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