Butterfly wings lay in the grass,
fallen from the air like petals
drawn on by God's crayons.
Let's collect them for your wife
and frame them
all together.
I kayak through a frosty blue, smoky white
lake, laden with late-summer heat. On the shore
sits a girl.
Daffodils and daisies make her smile.
Daisy in her hair - yellow and white
fallen from the light.
She found her flower near the ocean
a place she will always go.
This lake is a beehive.
Half honey-comb, half diamond-blue;
divides the horizon and shore.
Honey seeps up from the floor like a volcano
oozing lava between cracks.
A cloud of feather-fliers swarms over my shoulder
maybe they'll turn into bees;
bees of the water.

The hunter placed himself inches from your face.
Grass groaned under his bare feet.
Bruised toes and kneecaps. He stumbled.
He smiled. He crouched over.
Heard a seagull moan
like he had a bad toothache.
I put on my sunglasses to look at the water
and algae appeared
to map out the world.
Let's collect the butterflies, the daffodils, the bees and the algae.
I want to see who flies first.